
Your Zakah enables us to provide financial aid to the needy in Yemen.

As Muslims we must pay 2.5% of Nisaab for Zakah.

Fulfill the great pillar of Islam

As you may know, Zakah is a crucial pillar of Islam: a major teaching that raises awareness about the importance of helping those who are most vulnerable. It is the manifestation of ultimate selfishness, generosity, and social reformation. It is a cleansing process, freeing the heart from greed and misery. Zakah is not just a charitable act; it is rather a duty in which every Muslim has to give from their yearly earnings to the poor.

The Holy Quran mentions 8 Channels of spending Zakah: 

“As you may know, Zakah is a crucial pillar of Islam: a major teaching that raises awareness about the importance of helping those who are most vulnerable. It is the manifestation of ultimate selfishness, generosity, and social reformation. It is a cleansing process, freeing the heart from greed and misery. Zakah is not just a charitable act; it is rather a duty in which every Muslim has to give from their yearly earnings to the poor.”

— [9:60]

Give The Opportunity!

The people of Yemen need your support

With your donations and support, we have a chance to provide financial aid to the poor and the needy who have lost everything due to war and the health crisis in Yemen. Nowhere in the world are people more deserving of your Zakah than the people of Yemen, who have suffered for many years. The first 2 beneficiaries of Zakah mentioned in the Quran are the Poor and the Needy, both of which Saba Relief are providing for.

Pay your Zakah to Yemen today

The literal meaning of Zakah is ‘to cleanse’ or ‘purification’. In the Islamic faith, Zakah means purifying your wealth for the will of Allah SWT and to work on the improvement of the Muslims’ Ummah.

To be liable to pay Zakah, one’s wealth must amount to more than a threshold figure (after living costs, expenses etc). This is called Nisaab and is the point at which Zakah becomes payable. As Muslims we must pay 2.5% of Nisaab for Zakah. This amount is then distributed to the poor and needy.

Here is a brief description of each of these channels:

1. The poor: Those who have less money than the amount on which Zakah is payable.

2. The needy: Those who have no earnings at all.

3. Reconciliation of hearts: Applies to those who have embraced Islam or who are inclined to it.

4. Those in debt: Zakah may be used to pay off debts, so long as these debts were not incurred in an act contrary to Islamic law.

5. For those who are slaves: Zakah may be allocated to help Muslims free themselves from slavery.

6. In the Cause of Allah: Promoting the Islamic value system.

7. The traveller: A traveller who has left their home and does not possess enough money to return.

8. Administrators of Zakah: All those serving in the field of Zakah, including collecting, storing, guarding, registering and distributing Zakah.