Charity Support

Support Saba Relief Projects & earn continuous rewards.

Charity Support £10 a month.

Saba Relief has been operating exclusively in Yemen since 2012. We rely on your generous donations to help us support and deliver vital aid to millions affected in a country which is considered to be the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. We are one of only a handful of charities in the UK, who have registered staff and offices in both the UK and Yemen. We rely on donations to fund the vital work that we carry out in Yemen, helping countless orphans, widows, poor and destitute, living in extremely difficult circumstances.

When you give monthly, this will enable us to continue to plan and deliver long term solutions, in the most effective way possible. Your regular £10 monthly donation will go towards supporting the administration, overhead, and delivery costs associated with all of our lifesaving projects for the poor people of Yemen.

The Sadaqah Jariyah Fund will allow you to participate in an act of charity that is continuous and does not cease, bringing benefits to both yourself and the poor people of Yemen.

Alongside this, The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him also emphasized the importance of being regular and constituent in good deeds with the following narration:

“The most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular, and constant, even if it were little”.
